Tube Maxi Freestanding

  • For outdoor use: made of stainless steel or stainless steel with powder coating
  • Easy maintenance: removable internal container.
  • Reduced smoke and fire danger. Oxygen-suffocating-design
  • Holes for cigarette waste are made to fit cigarettes only – preventing misuse as trash bin
  • Floor mount or portable
  • Lockable
Outer Box
Item # Item Description PU H (cm) L (cm) W (cm) GW (kg)
01092 Tube Maxi Fix Kit Dark Gray 4 in 1 Box 22 118 22 21
01093 Tube Maxi Fix Kit Stainless 4 in 1 Box 22 118 22 21
01091 Tube Maxi fs Kit (main body) 4 in 1 Box 22 118 22 18.4
Tube Maxi fs base 2 in 1 Box 8 42 42 19.2
01090 Tube Maxi fsp Kit Dark Gray (main body) 4 in 1 Box 22 118 22 18.4
Tube Maxi fsp base 2 in 1 Box 8 42 42 19.2